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#403 : Le juste milieu

Holly et Vince ont leur première dispute quand ce dernier emmène Gary à une partie de basketball au lieu de l'inviter elle. Elle estime qu'ils devraient vivre ce genre d'événements ensemble, quoi qu'elle réalise rapidement que cette idée n'est peut-être pas la meilleure. De son côté, Vic refuse toujours de signer les papiers pour annuler son mariage avec Val et sa persistance est peut-être en train de gagner le coeur de cette dernière.

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The Redo

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Le juste milieu

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Holly & Vince (VO)

Holly & Vince (VO)





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Écrit par : Jim Reynolds
Réalisé par : Leslie Kolins Small

Acteurs principaux : Amanda Bynes (Holly Tyler), Jennie Garth (Val Tyler), Wesley Jonathan (Gary), Leslie Grossman (Lauren), Nick Zano (Vince), Allison Munn (Tina), Dan Cortese (Vic Meladeo) 

Holly est enjouée : Vince a des places pour un match des Knicks, c’est leur première sortie en couple. Elle se confie à Tina qui en a assez d’entendre les banalités de son amie. Vince arrive, Holly est survoltée. Gary rejoint tout le monde, et Vince part au match avec lui. Holly a mal compris, elle ne fait pas partie des plans de son petit-ami.

De son côté, Vic prépare un diner très romantique pour Val, il est fier de lui. Val suit l’odeur des plats, et pense que c’est Holly qui lui a préparé à manger. Lorsqu’elle réalise que c’est Vic, elle se braque et reparle des papiers du divorce. Elle se prépare un diner céréales pour boycotter le poulet préparé par son mari, qui n’hésite pas à la narguer. Il en profite pour exhiber le calendrier de sa caserne : il a posé nu, pour une œuvre caritative. Val se coupe avec le papier, lorsque Vic s’occupe de sa « blessure », elle est troublée. Elle décide donc de quitter l’appartement et d’aller à sa pâtisserie…en nuisette.

Holly passe finalement la soirée avec Tina, elle ne se remet pas du comportement de Vince. Leur relation est désormais différente maintenant que lui et elle sont en couple.

Quant à Vince, il profite du match avec Gary. Celui-ci le remercie de l’avoir invité, pensant qu’il irait avec Holly. Vince réalise alors son erreur, il s’éclipse pour appeler sa copine. Holly décide de le faire culpabiliser en faisant mine d’être à une fête, sur les conseils de Tina. Elle met donc de la musique pour créer une ambiance. Vince s’excuse, Holly raccroche rapidement.

Après s’être rhabillée, Val part à la pâtisserie pour y faire des travaux : elle veut tout refaire. Lauren est déjà sur place, pour jouer au poker en ligne. Lauren est persuadée qu’elle a fuit l’appartement car elle est attirée par Vic. Elle dément. A sa grande surprise, Vic l’a devancée : il est sur place pour faire les travaux. Val fera ainsi des économies. Val se braque à nouveau : Lauren explique que si elle ne ressent vraiment rien pour son mari, elle ne devrait pas avoir de difficultés à être dans la même pièce que lui. Plus elle le fuit, plus c’est suspect.

Holly refait la conversation téléphonique avec Tina, elle s’amuse du mauvais tour qu’elle a joué à Vince. Afin de ne pas rester seules, les filles décident d’aller faire les magasins, mais Vince arrive. Il a quitté le match, car il s’en voulait trop. Il n’avait pas compris qu’elle souhaitait venir et s’excuse. Holly culpabilise donc de lui avoir menti, et vend la mèche : elle avoue avoir inventé cette fête pour qu’il se sente mal. Vince vit très mal le fait que Holly lui ait fait de la peine intentionnellement. Il s’en va.

Lauren est toujours connectée sur son ordinateur portable : elle discute avec un homme. Val la met en garde : ce pourrait être un pervers. Mais Lauren explique qu’ils ont une relation platonique et qu’ils apprennent à se connaitre. Vic les interrompt pour demander à Val son avis quant au nouveau plafond. Il parvient à trouver ce qu’elle aime du premier coup. Il lui demande de l’aider dans ses travaux : si elle veut qu’il parte vite, ils doivent être deux pour avancer au maximum. Vic demande à Val de planter des clous, mais elle s’y prend mal. Il décide donc de l’aider et pour ce faire, il se rapproche d’elle. Elle se sent soudainement mal à l’aise et quitte la pâtisserie.

En rentrant chez elle, elle parle à l’uniforme de Vic, et avoue le trouver très sexy. Elle est surprise par Holly. Elle se confie à sa grande sœur quant à sa relation avec Vince et les erreurs qu’elle commet. Elle a du mal à passer de l’amitié à l’amour sans changer son comportement. Val lui conseille de trouver le juste milieu. Holly ne se sent pas plus avancée pour autant.

Gary rentre du match, et retrouve Vince. Il est endormi sur la terrasse et pense que c’est Holly qui le réveille. Gary le secoue. Il explique que Holly est dans le couloir, à faire les cents pas. Vince la retrouve, ils entament la discussion. Vince se demande où est la fille qui avait son caractère et qui a fait qu’il est tombé amoureux. Il lui pardonne. Ils décident tous deux de rester honnêtes et directs comme ils l’étaient auparavant.

Val passe ses nerfs sur le poulet que Vic a préparé, mais elle est prise en flagrant délit : il rentre juste à cet instant. Il part prendre une douche, elle en profite pour jeter un œil sur son calendrier. Vic l’observe et comprend qu’il devrait arriver rapidement à ses fins.

Écrit par cartegold


Holly : It was so simple, Tina. Vince called, and he said, "Hey, I've got tickets to the Knicks tonight." And I said, "That's so cool." And he said, "I'll see you later." (gasps) Do you know what this is, Tina?

Tina : The most boring story I've ever heard?

Holly : No, it's our first official date as a couple. Oh, don't you feel the excitement? I mean, this is gonna be our first time.
Tina : Holly, there's only one first time I really want to hear about. I just hope I still have my hearing by the time that happens.
Holly : Tina, I know this must be really hard for you because Vince and I are going through the transition from friends to more than, but you have to know that I will always be there for... (Vince come in) Vince! My boyfriend, Vince, is here! Oh, there's my baby. Whoo-hoo! Knicks! Mwah. You see that, Tina? Vince and I kiss when we see each other now. We're no longer just friends.

Gary : Hey, y'all.
All : Hey, Gary.
Gary : We got to go. We don't want to be late.
Holly : Yeah, your ass has to soak up every second of those sweet-ass seats. You know it, Gary.
Gary : That's right, girl.
Vince : Oh! Okay, we gotta go. See that, Tina? I get to kiss my girlfriend before we leave.

Holly : And see that, Tina? That's what I'm talking about... My boyfriend, Vince just went on our first date with Gary.

Val : (sniffs) Oh. (chuckling) Mmm! Ooh, Holly! You made my favorite dinner. Thank you so...oh.
It's you.
Vic : Come here, baby. Try this. It is so moist.
Val : I don't want your moist poultry in me.
Vic : Come on.

Val : Once you go blackened chicken, you never go back.

Vic : Come on, Val. We said we were gonna give this marriage six months. We might as well have some fun.
Val : Oh. You know what would be fun? If you went ahead and signed the annulment papers.
That'd be "da bomb"

(clears throat )

Vic : Mmm! (chuckling) Mmm! Mmm!

Val : Ahh! All right. That's it. I am gonna mark off every day on my calendar until you leave. Where's my calendar?

Vic : You might want to try the lower right-hand cabinet.
Val : What the hell is this?

Vic : Oh, hey, check it out. It's me. (laughing) Yeah, I know it's a little cheesy, but all the profits go to a kids' charity.
Val : I can see that...the "St. Jude's" written across your stuff there. Ow! Ohh! Ow! Ow! Paper cut! Vic : Okay, okay. Let me see.
Val : It's bleeding! I see blood.
Vic : Let me see.
Val : Ow! Ow! Ohh! That stings!

Vic : Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.
Val : It hurts.
Vic : Got to keep pressure on it.
Val : But it hurts. It hurts bad.
Vic : Where can I get a band-aid?

Val : In the bakery. I'll get it. Bye.
Vic : You... you don't have a band-aid here?

Val : Y-yeah, but, um I have to go to the bakery anyway, 'cause I can't be here.
Vic : Why can't you be here?

Val : Um, because I've, uh, decided to go ahead with my bakery-remodel project redo. Yes, that's right. I'm gonna have to be there for it. Many hours... not here, there. Okay? Bye-bye.
Vic : Okay. All right.
Val : It's a little chilly. I'm gonna need some pants.


Holly : I don't understand. I mean, he called me. He said he had tickets to the Knicks. I said, "That's so cool." And then he said, "I'll see you later." What am I missing?

Tina : The part where he asked you to go.
Holly : Why didn't he ask me to go? I mean, it was our first date. Shouldn't I have been there?

Tina : Gary does have a really good body.
Holly : In the old days, it would have been so simple. I mean, I would have called Vince, yelled at him, gotten my feelings out, and then gone out with one of my boyfriends.
Tina : So yell at him.
Holly : No! I can't yell at him! What are you talking about?!

Tina : I said "him."

Holly : Tina, I am his girlfriend now. Everything is different...everything. I mean, I have to think before I act now. Oh, it is so hard! Before, when we were just friends, if he took Gary to the game, I wouldn't have cared, but now look at me! I am hurt, Tina. I'm so hurt.

(cheers and applause)

Gary :Yes! In the face! In the face! (laughing) Thank you for taking me to this game instead of Holly. I know it must have been hard leaving her like that.
Vince : Like what?

Gary : You're kidding. You didn't notice?

Vince : Notice what?

Gary : Her Knicks hat, her shocked face when you said, "Let's go to the game"?

Vince : Oh, man, you don't think she thought she was coming.
Gary : Yes, Vince. Yes, I do.
Vince : Oh, man, I am so stupid.
Gary : Yes, Vince. Yes, you are.
Vince : Why the hell did you wait till we get here to tell me?

Gary : I wanted to come to the game, Vince. Yes, I did. (cheers and applause) Yeah! That's the way to put it down, down, down!



Holly : Tina, I don't know what to do. I want to tell Vince how I feel, but I don't want to be all whiny. I want to let him know I should be the most important person in his life.

Tina : Burn his stuff.
Holly : What? (cell phone ringing) Oh, my God. It's Vince. I want to talk, but I don't know what to say yet.
Tina : Say you're at a party.
Holly : Why?

Tina : So he'll think you're having a great time without him. You got to make him feel left out, just like you.
Holly : But I'm not at a party.
Tina, dance music plays : You are now.
Holly : Oh, oh

Vince : Answer! Yeah, yeah, yeah Hello? Holly, where are you? I can barely hear you.
Holly : Oh, I'm at a party.
Vince : Oh. Where?

Holly : Oh, at a party without you!

Tina : Holly, look, Orlando Bloom.
Holly : Oh, my God, where!

Vince : Holly, can you hear me?

Holly : Oh, it's kind of hard, being at a party and all.
Vince : Look, I feel really bad about tonight.
Holly, to Tina : He feels bad about tonight.
Tina : Now, get off. Don't stay too long at the fair.
Holly : Got to go. We're going to a fair.


Suggar Babies

Val : (whistle blowing) What are you still doing here? Ooh, are you finally doing this month's accounting?

Lauren : Yeah.
Val : No, you're not. You're playing on-line poker.
Lauren : Yeah. Hey, what are you doing here?

Val : Well, I am starting the redo. We're building a bigger, better bakery.
Lauren : Hmm. At 9:00 at night?

Val : I am not attracted to him. Why does everybody think I'm attracted to him?

Lauren : All I said was "9:00 at night."

Val : Why don't you go play your on-line poker somewhere else?

Lauren : Well, somebody had to be here to let the carpenter in.
Val : What carpenter?

Vic : Hey, baby. (drill whirrs)

Val : What the hell are you doing here?

Vic : I do some carpentry, and what with the remodel, I didn't want to see my wife hire some strange contractor who'd rip her off, so I figured, "Why not save that money? Our kids are going to college."

Val : No, our kids are not going to college.
Vic : Okay. I'll love them whatever.
Val : No, no, no love. No kids, okay? I want you to go.
Lauren : No, don't you move unless it's like this. To Val : What is wrong with you? He knows what he's doing. He drew up professional sketches, and he's free.
Val : No, he's not free. Nothing is free. He is doing all of this just because he wants to be around me so we can connect.
Lauren : Okay, fine. If you truly don't like him, then you don't have to fear a connection.
Val : (gasps) Ooh. No, I don't fear a connection. That's stupid.
Lauren : You want to know what I think?

Val : No.
Lauren : I think that you are totally attracted to him, and it's scaring the hell out of you.
Val : Oh, please. Look at him, all ripply. How much time do you think he wastes at the gym every day? Get a life, buddy.
Lauren : Okay, fine. Tell him you don't want him working here, but then he's gonna know you're attracted to him. That's a double "ooh."

Val : Okay, you're annoying. To Vic : (sighs) Listen, mister. I am not attracted to you, okay? So I have no problem with you being here. If you want the job, you got it. Hi.
Lauren, to Vic : Uh, you should know if you're gonna be working here, that I do the company physicals. So I'm gonna need you to turn your head and cough.

Holly : So then, Vince said, "Oh, I feel awful." And I said, "Oh, what? I can't hear you. I'm at a party."


Tina : I love that story. It gets better every time you tell it. Well, it's a good story. The game's over in two hours. We got to get out of here. He has to think you're still at that party.
Holly : Good point. So what are we gonna do?

Tina : It's New York City. We can do whatever we want.
Holly : (gasps) Want to go to a 24-hour drugstore and smell hair products?

Tina : Yes.
(door closes)

Holly : What was that?

Vince : Holly?

Holly : Oh, my God, it's Vince! What does this mean?

Tina : It means the party got raided, and we had to come home. Now get it together!

Vince : Hey.
Holly : Oh, what are you doing back two hours early?

Vince : Oh, I couldn't stay there. Couldn't stop thinking about you. Holly, I feel terrible.
Holly : So you missed three quarters of your game?

Vince : I'm so sorry, but I didn't even think you'd want to go. But, I know, I know, I still should have asked. But you do have to know I would never do anything to hurt you.
Holly : But you went to your game, and I went to a party. I mean, we were even. It was all good.
Vince : What do you mean we're even?

Holly : I-I mean that You didn't even have to leave the game. I mean, I really wish you hadn't have done that. God, now I feel so...

Tina : Nothing. She feels nothing.
Holly : No, Tina, I do feel something. (exhales slowly) Listen, Vince, I didn't go to a party. I made it up, and you were supposed to feel a little bad, but you felt a lot bad. And, oh, God, I lied to you, and now I feel awful. There. I said it. Oh, I feel so much better.
Vince : So you hurt me on purpose?

Holly : Only 'cause you hurt me first.
Vince : Mine was an accident.
Holly : Listen, Vince, I was gonna tell you before, but I was so mad. And I didn't want to be one of those annoying, crazy girlfriends, so, you know, I didn't tell you. But we just got together, and I didn't want to ruin our relationship.
Vince : What's that, Holly? I can't hear you. I'm at a party.
Tina : So you don't want to go smell hair products now?


Sugar Babies

Val : Are you still playing poker?

Lauren : I stopped playing poker I met a guy. We're talking.
Val : Talking? You don't even know this guy. He could be a pervert.
Lauren : Val, why do you always have to go to the dirty place?

Val : 'Cause that's where you live.
Lauren : For your information, sex in any shape or form has not even come up. Yeah, we were talking about how we both love our birthdays, how we both hate touching the strap on the subway, how we both got choked up during that penguin movie. Oh, God. I really hope he's not 10.
Vic : Boss, can I see you for a minute? I need a decision. Please, just state your business. What do you think about doing a tin ceiling?

Val : No. No, no, no. I want a flat white ceiling. I don't want anything except that. That would look incredible. Except it's gonna need a molding, and I'm very particular about my moldings. I don't like any kind but that kind. Oh, that...that I love. Yeah, and we could just - Distress it. Well, you do have some nifty ideas, don't ya? Okay, so go ahead and get to it. This construction's hurting my business.
Vic : I could go faster if I had an extra set of hands helping.
Val : (chuckles) No, no, no, no, no. These are baking hands, not building hands.
Vic : Well, you do want me out of here, right, for business?

Val : Yes, I do. Okay. Good.
Vic : Come on. First thing we're gonna do is nail down this countertop. You see the stud?

Val : You are so into you.
Vic : No, Val, this... this here is the stud. My bad. Go ahead. Give it a shot. Go on. (chuckles) That was nowhere near the nail, all right? You're holding it all wrong. You're gonna hurt yourself. Come here. Let me help. Come here. Just Good. You ready?

Val : Mm-hmm.
Vic : Sure? Let's try it. There you go. That was good. That wasgood. Good. Good. That's good. There you go. Get a rhythm. Now you got it. Faster. Faster. Work it.
Val : (banging continues) Whoo! Oh, yes! I mean, uhthat's good. I'm gonna go.


Val : (chuckling) Okay. I'm attracted to you. There. You happy? I think you're hot. Hot, hot, hot, you son-of-a-bitch fireman.
Holly : Val?

Val : Oh, Holly, hi. (laughs nervously) What are you doing? Are you spying on me? Did you hear any of that?

Holly : No, just you telling the son-of-a-bitch fireman that you think he's hot, hot, hot. But I don't care.
Val : I thought you were Vince.
Holly : Val, can I ask you something? When you and Vic got married, did stuff change?

Val : Well, yeah, the bartender changed shifts.
Holly : No, what I don't understand is what's going on with me and Vince. I want it to work out so badly, but I'm overthinking everything.
Val : Take it from me, as someone who thinks way too much, and then one night (just one night) didn't think at all. (laughing) Sorry. Just find the middle, okay? That is what's healthy. That is what's good. You'll be very happy there. Okay? The middle. The middle's good.
Holly : "Middle"... what the hell does that mean? You hang in there, fireman. She's this close.


Gary : Vince. Vince.
Vince : Mnh. What took you so long? Tell me you're sorry and give me a kiss.
Gary : Man, better get your hands off my ass.
Vince : Sorry, man, I, uh thought you were Holly. I've been waiting for her to come back and apologize.
Gary : Oh. Well, I just saw her in the hallway.
Vince : What's she doing?

Gary : Pacing.
Vince : That's it? just pacing?

Gary : And crying.
Vince : And you left her there?

Gary : No. I came in here to get you. I think she's crying because you didn't take her to that game. You're not being a very considerate boyfriend. Oh. Oh.
Vince : (door opens) What's wrong with you?

Holly : So much.

Vince : I've been waiting on the terrace for two hours for you to apologize.
Holly : I was gonna come apologize to you before, but I thought you needed time to cool off. And, also, I thought maybe I'd wait till the morning. But then I really tried to find this middle thing...

Vince : What the hell is going on? What happened to the girl who used to come yell at me every five minutes, the girl who used to tell me exactly how she felt, exactly how I felt, the girl who didn't question every move she made? I miss her. She was delightful.
Holly : I miss her, too. I think she left town when you and I started dating. I mean, if you forgive her, I could probably get her back.
Vince : Get her back.
Holly : Do you forgive her?

Vince : I forgive her!

Holly : Oh! Why was it so much easier when we were friends? Vince, the only reason it got complicated is because I wasn't honest with you.
Vince : We both got weird with the whole changeover.
Holly : I know.
Vince : Yeah. We need to ease up... go back to saying whatever we want to say. Like if we're mad at each other, we tell each other? If we want to have sex with each other? Deal ?
Holly : Deal.
Vince : I think it's finally time we had sex with each other.
Holly : Not yet.
Vince : Yeah.
Holly : But soon.
Vince : Hmm?

Holly : See you in the morning?

Vince : See you in the morning.
Holly : I love you.
Vince : I know. I know. I love you, too, Boo.


Val : Oh, my God. Even his chicken is lean and delicious.
(doorknob rattling)

Vic : Baby, I'm home.
Val : Hey.
Vic : What are you eating?

Val : Mmm. Nothing.
Vic : (sniffs) I smell chicken.
Val : Don't know why.
Vic : Well, maybe 'cause it's still in the fridge. Okay. I'm gonna go grab a shower.
Val to herself : You do that. I'm in trouble. Son-of-a-bitch fireman.

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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Aujourd'hui à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !