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#406 : Halloween

Au moment où Vic décide de sortir de sa vie, Val le rappelle sous un faux prétexte. Holly se sent enfin prête à sauter le pas avec Vince qui, de son côté, est pris de panique à l'idée de ne pas être à la hauteur.

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Écrit par : Amy Engelberg & Wendy Engelberg
Réalisé par : Shelley Jensen

Acteurs principaux : Amanda Bynes (Holly Tyler), Jennie Garth (Val Tyler), Wesley Jonathan (Gary), Leslie Grossman (Lauren), Nick Zano (Vince), Allison Munn (Tina), Dan Cortese (Vic Meladeo) 

Apparitions : Jason Priestley (Charlie) 

Val rentre de courses et en entrant chez elle, tout est dans le noir. Vic lui a fait une mauvaise farce : il est déguisé en vampire pour Halloween. Val voulait être seule pour la soirée, car Holly part dans le Vermont avec ses amis. Elle chasse donc son mari. Avant de partir, il la prévient que Holly est bien arrivée dans sa chambre d’hôtes.

Vince et Holly se sont endormis ensemble sur un canapé. Holly se réveille, heureuse d’être contre lui, et réveille alors Tina : elle veut absolument lui annoncer une nouvelle qui ne peut pas attendre. Elle a réalisé qu’elle était prête à franchir le pas avec Vince, elle lui demande donc de partir avec Gary pour la laisser seule avec Vince. Tina n’en revient pas de ce qu’elle entend : elle hésite un court instant car ce week-end est son cadeau d’anniversaire, mais heureuse pour son amie, elle accepte de quitter les lieux. Elle va donc faire croire à Gary qu’elle est malade et qu’il doit la ramener à New York.

Lauren sermonne Val : elle a la chance d’avoir un mari et elle préfère rester seule, quand elle est cantonnée à se rendre dans une soirée de célibataires. A la place de faire la fête, Val décide de nettoyer sa salle de bains. Mais en récurant les toilettes, elle se retrouve coincée : le bracelet de Charlie s’est coincé dans la cuvette. Elle crie après Lauren pour qu’elle l’aide mais elle est déjà partie. En revanche, Charlie est entré chez elle.

Dans le Vermont, Tina simule sa douleur, et alors que Gary ne comprend pas, elle décide de tout lui avouer. Ils partent donc tous les deux, laissant Vince et Holly seuls. Alors que les filles sortent mettre la valise de Tina dans la voiture, Gary vend la mèche à Vince. Ce dernier est comblé, depuis le temps qu’il attend. Mais Gary lui met la pression lorsqu’il lui explique que Holly gardera le souvenir de cette nuit pour toute sa vie. De plus c’est la première fois qu’il fera l’amour à une fille dont il est amoureux.

Val discute avec Charlie alors qu’elle a toujours la main coincée dans les toilettes. Elle fait croire à Charlie qu’elle veut commander une pizza pour lui emprunter son téléphone, et en réalité elle appelle Vic à la rescousse.

Pendant que Vince part chercher à manger en ville, Holly prépare la chambre avec de nombreuses bougies, et a enfilé une chemise à Vince. Lorsqu’il rentre il lui offre des fleurs, mais est totalement nerveux, d’autant que Holly rajoute un peu de pression car elle lui confie qu’elle se souviendra de cette nuit là à tout jamais. Vince esquive alors le moment fatidique en lui faisant manger des gâteaux qu’elle ne connait pas : il fait un parallèle entre ces biscuits et leur nuit ensemble.

Val a toujours la main droite coincée dans les toilettes ce qui en un certain sens ravit Charlie : sa main gauche est libre pour recevoir la bague de fiançailles qu’il lui a réservée. Il la demande en pré-fiançailles. Elle est sauvée par Vic qui arrive au même instant. Charlie pensant toujours que Vic est le frère de Val, il lui annonce les pré-fiançailles. Vic éclaircit la situation : il doit partir. Val craque et avoue toute la vérité à Charlie : Vic est son mari. Il ne percute pas tout de suite et croit toujours qu’il est son frère et qu’elle l’a épousée. Vic profite de la situation pour annoncer à Val sa décision : il quitte le loft et repart s’installer à la caserne. En entendant les propos de Charlie, il s’est rendu compte qu’il a tenu les mêmes. Il comprend qu’il avait l’air fou à vouloir rester marié à elle. Il pense toujours qu’elle est son âme sœur, mais il ne peut pas la forcer à le ressentir aussi. Avant de partir, il parvient à lui décoincer la main.

Holly se montre pressante alors que Vince est sur la réserve. Elle ne le comprend pas. Il lui confie alors être mal à l’aise et lui fait croire qu’il a de l’exéma. Il ne veut pas lui avouer qu’il a peur de la décevoir et de ne pas être à la hauteur.

Plus tard dans la soirée, Vic se rend au Sugar Babies et y croise Charlie. Celui-ci se demande pourquoi Val ne veut pas de lui. A cet instant, il reçoit un appel désespéré de Val. Elle lui fait croire que Charlie est à sa porte et la harcèle. Vic comprend que sa décision l’a fait réfléchir, il part la rejoindre.

Le lendemain, Holly fait ses bagages. Vince et elle doivent rentrer à New York. Elle est en colère contre son petit ami : pendant la nuit, elle l’a regardé, il n’a pas d’exéma. Elle pense qu’elle n’est pas assez bien pour lui. Vince confie alors ses doutes et ses peurs. Holly le rassure : ce sera forcément parfait, et qui plus est, elle n’a aucun point de comparaison. Au moment de partir, Vince revient sur ses peurs : ils vont profiter de la chambre un peu plus longtemps que prévu.

Écrit par cartegold


Val : (screaming) Aaaaah! Vic : Hey! It's me! Your husband.
Val : What's wrong with you?! You scared the hell out of me! 
Vic: No, it's Halloween. I scared the "Hal" out of you. Sorry.
Val : Ugh. What are you doing here? You're supposed to be at the firehouse. Holly is in Vermont. I was supposed to be alone tonight, peaceful and happy, the way I was before the incident.
Vic : Oh, you mean the drunken-marriage incident? 
Val : Okay. Can you not use the full title? 'Cause that makes me look bad. Go away.
Vic : But I made you blah-sagna.
Val : Go.
Vic : All right. Fine. If you don't want to hear about the call from Holly. 
Val : Holly called me? 
Vic : Uh, no. Well, Holly called me, all right? She said they got there safely. They're tired. They're napping. She said she loves us. And she said since we're alone, we should go for it. Whatever that means.
Val : Get out! 
Vic : Is that what you really want?  
Val : Yes! Yes! I want it! I need it! I'm desperate for it! 
Vic : So, uh, do you want me as a man or as a bat? 
Val : Get out. Get out.


Holly : I love you.
Vince : Mmm, I love you.
Holly : Tina! Oh! Tina, meet me outside.
Tina : What do you want?
Holly : Tina, I'm ready. 
Tina : For what?
Holly : For you and Gary to leave.    
Tina : What? 
Holly : I'm ready to be alone with Vince tonight. I'm ready. I'm ready ready.
Tina : Ready ready? Oh, my God, you're ready? 
Holly : I'm ready.
Tina : I can't believe it.
Holly : So, this is it.
Tina : This is the moment? 
Holly : I'm hoping it'll be longer than a moment.
Tina : So, what do you want me to do? 
Holly : Leave! Tina, it's our first time. I want it to be special. And I just think it'll be more special if you and Gary aren't near. I'm sorry to make you drive all the way back, but everything feels so perfect now. It just feels right, you know? And I love him and I trust him and I'm ready.
Tina : Ready ready?                                            
Holly : Ready! So, here's what you've got to do. Fake sick and then ask Gary to drive you back to the city.
Tina : But, you know, this trip was my birthday present.
Holly : If it's any consolation, you throw a super-fun party.


Lauren : God. Do you have any idea how lucky you are? Look at me, okay? I'm going to a singles party dressed as a slutty flight attendant so I can find someone to "fly me." Yes, I am actually going with that line.
Val : Can you help me get this stupid bracelet off?
Lauren : Oh, do you mean the stupid diamond bracelet that Charlie got you? That's right, it's another man that can't live without you.
Val : Oh, he's a sick, obsessive, crazy weirdo.
Lauren : Hmm, always the glass half-empty.
Val : Don't you have some peanuts to pass out?
Lauren : Let me just tell you a little something, missy. You keep pushing Vic away, and one day he won't come back. And then do you want to know where you'll be? Cleaning a toilet. Cleaning a toilet on Halloween. That's real fun, Val! It is fun! It is only fun to a person who gives trick-or-treaters raisins. Hey, hey, hey! Any of you kids got a single, cute dad at home? (she’s going way) 
Val : Oh. Lauren! Lauren! Ah, Charlie's bracelet finally came off! Oh, Lauren! I'm stuck! Help me! Oh! Oh, you came back. Thank God. I love you. I love you! I love you! (Charlie’s coming)  Charlie! 
Charlie : Hi.


Gary : Man, why can't she take the damn train home? I ain't missing my apple butter seminar.
Holly : For God sakes, this fresh country air is killing her! We got to get her home.
Tina : Gary, we got to go. Holly's ready.
Gary : Ready for what? Oh, damn. Oh, uh, whoo! Tiny, you are burning up. We got to get you home, huh? 
Vince : Are you guys really leaving?
Holly : Yes. So, I packed you both. Tina, come on, I'll walk you to your car.
Vince : What? Gary : She's ready, bro.
Vince : Who's ready? 
Gary : Holly's ready. Holly's ready for you, for it, the whole damn package. Here. You're gonna need this.
Vince : No! Are you serious? How do you know? A-and why do you know before me? 
Gary : The Tina. Man, I'm so happy for you, I could kiss you. But you got to save a little sumpin' sumpin' for Holly.
Vince : I don't believe it, man. 
Gary : Yeah, well, believe it, baby. This is it. You and Holly, Holly and you… This is big, bro.
Vince : Believe me, I know.
Gary : No, no, no. I don't think you do. This is a very important night for her, man. This night she's going to remember for the rest of her life. The rest of her life. You better make this perfect.
Vince : Gary, it's gonna be amazing. I'm in love with her.
Gary : Exactly! And you have never been in love before. This is gonna be the first time that you are making love. That's the stuff Usher sings about.
Vince : Wow. Y-you're right, man. It'll be, like, kind of like my first time, too. But it's -- it's all good. It's all good. 
Gary : It's sure good that it's not me. This night is momentous. Man, my head would burst violently with some kind of pressure like this. 
Vince : I'm gonna be fine.
Gary : Fine. Now, I know you're nervous, but you must remember to bring home some of that delicious apple butter.


Val : I'm starving. How about pizza? I know a great place.
Charlie : What's the number? Val : Uh, I'm a visual person. I need to see the numbers.
Charlie : Me too! You and me… 
Val : Hey, Vic from the pizza place. Um, hey, it's Val. Um, I have kind of an emergency here. See, my friend Charlie stopped by and, uh, my hand is stuck in the toilet. And it is just scary how hungry we are. Yeah, so if you could bring over some nuts and some cuckoo puffs when you come, that'd be great. Okay, come on over now! 
Charlie : This is nice.


Holly : Hey.
Vince : Wow.
Holly : It'd be so much more fun if you came in. You like the shirt? It belongs to the cutest guy I know.
Vince : I let, uh -- I let Gary borrow it once. It didn't look like that on him.
Holly : Thanks for making the food run. Aw. I didn't ask for flowers.
Vince : I know. I saw them and I thought of you.
Holly : Aw.
Vince : So Holly : So alone at last.
Vince : Yeah. At last alone.
Holly : There's no one else that I'd rather be alone with. This night is gonna be so special.
Vince : Yeah.Special. A very special night the kind of night Usher sings about, right?
Holly : The kind of night that I'm gonna remember for the rest of my life.
Vince : Yeah. Momentous. Hey! Sourdough crackers from France, huh? Ooh-la-la.
Holly : Ooh, I never had one of those before. 
Vince : I know. First time -- a lot of pressure.
Holly : It's just a cracker.
Vince : I know. I know. I just… I just had a lot of other crackers, and I never loved any of them.
Holly : I'm sure it'll be fine.
Vince : But I want it to be more than fine. I want it to be everything you've dreamed of.
Holly : How bad can it be? Vince : I just don't want you to be disappointed.
Holly : I won't be! 
Vince : But what if you are? 
Holly : Screw the cracker!  
Vince : I can't!


Charlie : So, Val, I've been waiting for the right time to give this you. And what with your left hand  free, it's fate. Val, the bracelet I gave you has a matching ring. 
Val : Yey. 
Charlie : Valerie I want you to be my…                
Val : Oh, God, is that an engagement ring? 
Charlie : What, am I nuts? It's a pre-engagement ring, silly.

Vic’s coming.

Val : Oh! Yay! The pizza's here. Pizza man, in here! 
Vic : Hey. What's going on? 
Charlie : Hey, Vic. Val's caught in the toilet, and we're pre-engaged. And, Val, your boyfriend and your brother are both wearing the same costume. Crazy, huh? 
Val : Yeah, that's crazy.
Vic : Uh, Charlie, you know what? I think I can handle things from here.
Charlie : But there's pizza coming.
Vic : Um, there's no pizza, Charlie. Yeah, uh, i-it's time for you to go. I think Val would like it if you left.
Charlie : What are you talking about? Val and I are soul mates. We're meant to be together. I know this pre-engagement happened kind of fast, but I know deep in my gut that she's the woman for me. Haven't you ever felt that way,Vic? 
Vic : Yeah, Charlie, I have.
Charlie : And do you want to know who my best man is? 
Val : Okay, stop it! Charlie, Vic can't be your best man. See, we're married. 
Charlie : What? You married your brother? Can you do that now? 
Val : Charlie. 
Charlie : Ugh! And we made out! You're sick, lady.
Val : Oh. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I was so scared. I didn't know who else to call.
Vic : Yeah. No problem. Um, you know, if you need me for anything else, uh, I'm gonna be staying down at the firehouse.
Val : What? Why? 
Vic : Val, didn't you just hear Charlie? I mean, I have said those exact words to you. "We're soulmates." I know things happened fast, but we were meant to be. I know in my gut you're the one for me." I mean, we were even wearing the same outfits.
Val : No. Y-your cape is black. His was red.
Vic : Look, Val, I finally get it, okay? I get why you keep fighting us. I get why you keep pushing me away. I must look like a nut to you, too.
Val : Well, sometimes you feel like a nut.
Vic : In my heart, I honestly believe you and I are meant to be. But until you see it I can't stay.
Val : Okay. Well, um, when are you coming back? 
Vic : I don't know. It might be a while. I got to go. Now I got to go.


Holly : Isn't this nice? 
Vince : Uh-huh.
Holly : What's going on? 
Vince : Nothing. Why? I'm fine.
Holly : 'Cause, I don't know, you seem a little not moving.
Vince : It's just I'm just Holly, there's something I have to tell you, and it's really embarrassing.
Holly : Tell me. You know, you can tell me anything.
Vince :I just wanted tonight to be so perfect that I got poison ivy.
Holly : What? 
Vince : Yeah, I got it bad. And it's… you can't touch me. It's highly contagious.
Holly : Oh. Uh, let me get you some lotion.
Vince : No, no, no, no. I'm just gonna sleep it off.
Holly : You can sleep off poison ivy?  
Vince : Starve a cold. Sleep off poison ivy.

Sugar Babies  

Vic : Charlie? 
Charlie : Why doesn't Val love me? I mean, okay, I'm not her brother. But I have other things I can offer… children with one head.
Vic : (cellphone rings) Oh, wait. Hold your pain. Yeah? 
Val : Vic? Oh, thank God. Uh, Charlie's back. Yeah, he's right outside my door. Uh, I can see him through the peephole. Can you come backnow? 
Vic : He's, uh, he's standing right outside your door ? Wow. My God, you must be terrified.
Val : Yeah. Oh, God, I'm freaking out. Go away, Charlie! 
Vic : Okay, honey. Just relax. I'll be right there, okay? Okay. Bye. To Charlie : Hey, Charlie? Uh, I owe you one, buddy. Oh, hey, Lauren. How was your singles party? 
Lauren : You know what? There is a reason those people are single.
Vic : Don't sweat it, kiddo. There's someone for everybody.
Lauren : Hey, hey, where are you running?
Vic : I'm going home.


Vince : Uh, ready to go?
Holly : Mm-hmm. No, I got it.
Vince : Just let me help you.
Holly : No! I've been working out. I have very strong arms. And why did you lie to me?
Holly : I checked out your body last night while you were sleeping and you don't have any red dots or hives or bumps. And I checked everywhere.
Vince : I feel so violated.
Holly : What's wrong? Why don't you like me? 
Vince: Oh. Holly, I'm in love with you.
Holly : Then why are you making up rashes not to be with me? I mean, you slept with every other girl on the planet. Why not me? 
Vince : Because you're not every other girl on the planet. Holly, I love you.
Holly : So we're never gonna have sex 'cause you're in love with me? 
Vince : It's all Gary's fault. He got me all nervous.
Holly : You were nervous?
Vince : Yeah. 
Holly : You're so incredible.
Vince : I just… I just wanted everything to be perfect for you.
Holly : Vince. It would have been okay if you made a mistake. I mean, seriously, I got nothing else to compare it to. Let's get out of here. I think they're still serving breakfast before checkout. And I'd really like to get Gary some apple butter.
Vince : Holly, you are the coolest girl.
Holly : Right back at you.
Vince : You know? I think I'm ready.
Holly : I'll be gentle.

Kikavu ?

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choup37, 15.04.2024 à 10:15

Il manque 3 votes pour valider la nouvelle bannière Kaamelott... Clic clic clic

chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

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